Friday, November 15, 2013



In our day if you were a man and your pants were too tight and high waters you had to be prepared to get "bussed on" NOW  You have to be prepared to be asked "where you get them pants at I like those" we don't get it !

In our day If a young lady had a weave the other girls would say "That ain't her hair that's just a weave" NOW what you hear is "excuse me where do you buy your hair I need to go buy some"  we don't get it !

In our day when it was 30 degrees outside and you and your homies where standing around and someone only had on a hoodie they would said "Man its cold and all you have on is a hoodie?" NOW its "Man why you out here with a coat on?" (and ALL of them have on JUST HOODIES)  we don't get it !

In our day you could tell the difference between a Rap Song and a R&B song. NOW you have no clue whose song it is and if its Rap or R&B we don't get it !

In our day a rapper who faked his street cred was laughed out of the game. NOW a rapper can pretend his was a big time drug dealer, grow a beard and nobody cares he was lying through his teeth as he was a correction officer  we don't get it !

In our day to get a TV show you had to have some sort of skill (even MIMES had they're own show) NOW any professional noodle or chicken head can get cameras to follow them around we don't get it !

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