Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Keep It Oldskool Presents:
Oldskool Movie of the week
File:Fast Times at Ridgemont High film poster.jpg

Fast Times at Ridemont High was released 1982 and was derived from a book written by Cameron Crowe in 1981. Crowe was a Rolling Stone reporter who went undercover at a high school in California. In this authors mind this movie is the second greatest high school movie ever made (behind only The Breakfast Club released 4 years later in 1986)  The movie showed the trials and tribulations of a year in high school. The movie is also now famous as it showed many stars in their first or early rolls such as Nicholas Cage,Forrest Whitaker,Eric Stoltz and Anthony Edwards as well in stars who had larger rolls Sean Penn, Phoebe Cates, Judge Reinhold and Jennifer Jason Leigh

The movie centers around brother and sister Brad and Stacy Hamilton (Reinhold and Leigh respectively) Brad is a senior and Stacy a sophomore  and Mike Damone and Marc Ratner (Brian Backer and Robery Romanus). There are also many little subplots such as the stoner Jeff Spicoli(Sean Penn) who is just "partying" his way through the school year. and Stacy being advised on the love by her older friend and senior at school Linda (Phoebe Cates).

We see all the premarital sex, abortion,drug use in all its glory and recklessness. Most of us who were barely in to high school or preteen years wondered if this was what high school would really be like. Most boys remember this movie for no other reason the Phoebe Cates pool scene.We watch as all of the lives of these characters intertwine for sometimes hilarious and sometimes serious scenes. In the end it is a another snap shot of high school life as some lived it in the very early 80s.


Fast Times at Ridgemont High did have a weak TV spin off that came and went but that doesn't take away from the fact that it was a great movie.

Keep It Oldskool remembers


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