Monday, November 4, 2013


File:Ferris Bueller's Day Off.jpg

Ferris Bueller's Day Off was released in 1986 and was written and directed by the "King of teenage movies" the late John Hughes. This movie is unquestionably the greatest "hookey" movie of all time. The movie starred Mathew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara and Jennifer Grey. The movie screenplay was completed in less then a week and grossed over $70 million on a budget of $5.8 million.

The movie takes place in suburbs of Chicago where we meet the reigning king of local high school Ferris Bueller (Broderick) who wakes up on a beautiful day and decides that he is not up for school that day. He carefully teaches us how to fake our parents into letting us stay home. Not content with sitting home and watching TV Ferris decides that this will be the mother of all hookey days. There is just a few slight problems 1.His girlfriend Sloan (Sara) is at school and he will need to spring her. 2. He doesn't have a car so he will need to get his perpetually sick friend Cameron (Ruck) and lastly the school principal is out to make an example of Ferris whom his secretary says school kids  thinks Ferris is a "righteous dude".

Ferris take us on a journey around the city Chicago joyriding in Cameron's dad vintage car a 1961 Ferrari GT. All while his principal is hot on his trail (only he is going to NONE of the places that Ferris is going to) From a baseball game to lunch at 5 star restaurant Ferris is out to have one "for the books" The performance at parade would get the average person "pinched" but not Ferris.His sister Jeanie (Grey) who like most sisters knows exactly what Ferris is up to but cannot get anyone to listen. His clueless parents have no idea that thier son has missed 9 days of school and they never will as Ferris has hacked the school system and changed the days 

Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a time capsule movie as it gives a snap shot of the late 80s suburbia high school atmosphere. The movie never spawned a sequel thankfully. It would have been hard to top that day. Some of the hidden facts about the movie 

*Ferris  had younger siblings that were edited out of movie
*Matthew Broderick messed his knee up badly running through the neighbors yard 
*The same school was used for the outside shot of  high school in another John Hughes           movie  Breakfast Club
* Original cut of film is two hours and 45 mins.

This a movie that whenever it is on you have to stop to see what part it is on. A TV show of the same name debuted on NBC in 1990 and disappeared after 13 episodes Keep It Oldskool remembers Ferris Buellers Day Off


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