Thursday, January 2, 2014

All work and no play makes

File:The Shining poster.jpg

The Shining was release in 1980 that was directed by iconic director Stanley Kubrick that was based on Stephen King's book that had the same name. The movie starred Jack Nicholson,Shelly Duval, Scatman Crothers and Danny Lloyd.

The movie plot centers on the Torrance family Jack (Nicholson) Wendy (Duvall) and Danny (Lloyd) agreeing to live in the Overlook Hotel for the winter with Jack acting as caretaker. Jack a writer will use the time to finish a novel that he has been writing. The Overlook Hotel is also a character in the story as the sinister site is the scene of a triple murder suicide by a previous caretaker. Jack also a recovering alcoholic wants to use this time to rebuild his relationships with Wendy and Danny.  We meet the kindly bow legged chef Dick Halloran (Crothers) who somehow knows the nick name that Danny's parents use  for him "Doc" and that Danny has in imaginary friend named Tony.

The Shining

We watch as Jack slowly descends into madness being helped along of course by the Overlook Hotel. From people who should not be there to the previous caretaker being the bathroom attendant the hotel is suddenly growing very strong. Wendy has no idea until after Danny goes into the dreaded room 237 that Chef Halloran has sternly warned Danny against leaves Danny with bruises that she assumes (based on previous behavior) that Jack has done it.Once Wendy understands the true scope of what is going on in the Overlook it is to late
This movie is much different from toady's horror movies which seem to not want to scare  but to gore you. Stephen King was not overly found of this adaptation of the novel. He believed that it in addition to changing the ending that more of the focus should have been paid to the family dynamic. King did see an adaption more faithful to the book produced as a miniseries for ABC TV in 1997. For my money the 1980 version  is still one of the scariest movies ever made. Who can ever forget Jack's axe in hand statement "Here's Johnny". I don't imagine there are many people who have not seen the movie. Even if you have now would be a great time to watch again. KEEP IT OLDSKOOL 

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